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Top 5 Best Backend Bootcamps and Why (2024)

By Solomon Eseme. Updated Wed Jun 26 2024

Choosing the right backend development bootcamp is crucial for anyone looking to break into backend development or enhance their skills.

Breaking into backend engineering is a career journey of no return. It is one of the most rewarding journeys for anyone looking to switch careers.

Here are the rewards that come with becoming a great backend engineer.

Top 5 Best Backend Bootcamps and Why (2024)

However, breaking into backend engineering requires choosing the right partners and mentors to help you scale up your career.

Don't waste time roaming around, start learning Backend now

Starting Backend Engineering is a journey into a career that can open many great opportunities from working on complex projects to landing your dream job and the best way to get the most out of it is to start now.

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Axum Framework: The Ultimate Guide (2023)

By Solomon Eseme. Updated Sun Dec 17 2023
Axum Framework: The Ultimate Guide (2023)

This is the most comprehensive tutorial on the Axum framework online.

This article will explore Rust's Axum framework, a powerful and efficient tool for building web applications.

We'll dive into the basics of Axum, its key features, and how to get started with backend web development using this framework.

Actix Web: The Ultimate Guide (2023)

By Solomon Eseme. Updated Sun Dec 17 2023
Actix Web: The Ultimate Guide (2023)

This is the most comprehensive tutorial on the Actix Web framework online.

In this Actix Web tutorial, you will learn Actix Web from scratch to an advanced level.

You will learn how to build and deploy your first Actix Web app.

Getting Started with Docker for Python Developers

By Marvellous Kalu. Updated Sat Dec 09 2023
Getting Started with Docker for Python Developers

For Python developers, docker enables them to package their applications along with their dependencies, necessary libraries, and runtime and ensures they run consistently across various environments from development to production. This fosters seamless collaboration and simplifies deployment and the overall development workflow.

Parameterized Testing with Pytest and Selenium

By Marvellous Kalu. Updated Fri Nov 24 2023
Parameterized Testing with Pytest and Selenium

Parameterized testing is a software testing technique in which the same test case runs multiple input data sets. Each input data here is referred to as a parameterized test case. In this tutorial, we will perform parameterization testing using Pytest and Selenium.

Working with Data in Go

By Solomon Eseme. Updated Sat Oct 07 2023
Working with Data in Go

Data manipulation is a fundamental aspect of software development, and Go provides powerful tools and libraries to work with various types of data. In this section, we will explore several essential data-related topics in Go:

Rust for Backend Development

By MacBobby Chibuzor. Updated Mon Sep 25 2023
Rust for Backend Development

This comprehensive guide will explore why Rust is an excellent choice for backend development, its unique features, libraries, and tools, and how to get started with Rust for building robust and secure backend systems.

Milestone Project: Building a Task Management App

By Solomon Eseme. Updated Sat Sep 02 2023
Milestone Project: Building a Task Management App

We'll build a task management application using Rust in this exciting milestone project. This project will encompass concepts covered in the previous chapters, including structuring your code, error handling, file I/O, and more. Following these steps, you'll create a functional task manager allowing users to add, list, and mark tasks as completed.

The Definitive Guide To Docker in 2023

By Solomon Eseme. Updated Sat Sep 23 2023
The Definitive Guide To Docker in 2023

This is the most comprehensive guide on Docker online.

In this docker tutorial, you will learn docker from scratch to an advanced level starting from the concept of containerization to Docker Compose in Docker.

You will learn how to dockerize a JavaScript application and how to use dockerize a full-stack application using Docker Compose.