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Design Patterns

Design Patterns
What you will learn

In backend development, design patterns provide a framework for structuring your code, ensuring that it is both modular and robust. They are not about reinventing the wheel but about applying established practices that have been proven to work in numerous scenarios. In this book, I will explain Design Patterns, their types, the GoF design patterns, drawbacks, and benefits for backend engineers.

0 Chapter

Advanced Golang

Advanced Golang
What you will learn

This book is designed to transform you into a true Golang expert, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to tackle intricate challenges and craft high-quality, performant code.

6 Chapters

Golang Internals: A Deep Dive into Language Internals

Advanced Concurrency Patterns in Go

Handling UNIX Signals

Advanced Packaging and Dependency Management

Building and Deploying Go Applications

Milestone project: A Wallet engine in Go

Intermediate Golang

Intermediate Golang
What you will learn

This book will teach you intermediate concepts in Golang, such as Concurrent Programming in Go and Why it’s Important, Working with different data sources in Go, Advanced data structures and custom types in Go, Writing unit tests for Go software, and Advanced logging in Go.

5 Chapters

Concurrent programming in Go

Working with Data in Go

Advanced Data Structures in Go

Advanced Logging in Go

Milestone Project: Crypto Currency Daily Price Tracker

Advanced Rust

Advanced Rust
What you will learn

This book is designed to transform you into a true Rust expert, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to tackle intricate challenges and craft high-quality, performant code.

9 Chapters

Advanced Ownership in Rust

Unsafe in Rust

Smart pointers in Rust

Advanced Design Patterns in Rust

Meta-programming with Macros in Rust

FFI and Interoperability in Rust

Performance and Optimization in Rust

Milestone project: Web Server in Rust

Exercise to improve your Rust skills

Intermediate Rust

Intermediate Rust
What you will learn

This book is designed to transform you into a true Rust expert, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to tackle intricate challenges and craft high-quality, performant code.

9 Chapters

Advanced-Data Structures in Rust

Advanced Methods, Enums, and Pattern Matching

Traits and Generics in Rust

Lifetimes in Rust

Advanced Functions and Closures

Concurrency and Multithreading in Rust

Error Handling in Rust

File I/O and Serialization

Milestone Project: Building a Task Management App

Node.js Essentials

Node.js Essentials
What you will learn

Learn the Node.js Essential concepts, as it is crucial to write clean, maintainable, and efficient backend code.

8 Chapters

Overview of Node.js

Understanding the Core Node Environment

Understanding Asynchronous Event-Driven Programming

Setting Up Node.js

Exploring Node.js Modules

Package Manager in Node

Building APIs in Node

Using Node.js Framework

JavaScript Essentials

JavaScript Essentials
What you will learn

This JavaScript essential will take an in-depth look at JavaScript's essential concepts as it is crucial to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code.

11 Chapters

Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript Basics

Operators and Expressions

Control Flow Statements

Functions in JavaScript

Arrays in JavaScript

Objects in JavaScript

Scope and Closures in JavaScript

Asynchronous JavaScript

Error Handling and Debugging

ES6 and Modern JavaScript

Rust Essentials

Rust Essentials
What you will learn

This is the most comprehensive guide to the Rust Programming Language online. I’ll programmatically introduce you to Rust Programming Language in this Rust essential.

8 Chapters

What is Rust?

Building with Rust

Variables and data types in Rust

Functions and Modules in Rust

Structs and Methods in Rust

Ownership and Borrowing in Rust

Control Flow in Rust

Building a Task Manager in Rust

Go Essentials

Go Essentials
What you will learn

If you want a breadth-first view of the Go programming language ecosystem, this practical guide provides the essential background to write clear and idiomatic Go.

11 Chapters

Benefits of Go in Software Engineering

Essential Resources for Writing Go Code

Setting up Go Environment

Constructs of Go Lang

Functions in Go

Stacks and Pointers in Go

Go Custom Types, Methods, and Interfaces

Error Handling in Go

Essentials on Packaging Go Code

Advanced Go Constructs

Building an HTTP Server in Go