API and API Design

Backend Engineering

API and API Design

Designing REST API → Resource Names, Actions & Associations

Designing REST API → Resource Names, Actions & Associations

Designing a RESTful API involves defining clear and consistent resource names, actions, and associations to ensure clients' ease of use and understanding.

Resource Names, Actions, & Associations

Several best practices regarding resource names, actions, and associations must be followed to design an effective RESTful API.

Resource Naming Practices:

  • Use nouns to represent resources (e.g., /books/authors).

  • Prefer plural nouns for resource collections (e.g., /books instead of /book).

  • Use lowercase letters and separate words with hyphens for readability (e.g., /book-reviews).

Actions as HTTP Methods:

  • Use GET to retrieve resources.

  • Use POST to create new resources.

  • Use PUT to update existing resources.

  • Use DELETE to remove resources.


  • Represent hierarchical relationships with nested resources (e.g., /authors/{authorId}/books).

  • For many-to-many relationships, use linking tables (e.g., /books/{bookId}/reviews).

Adhering to these practices ensures your API is intuitive, consistent, and easy to maintain.

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