Backend Engineering

Learn everything you need to know in Backend Engineering all in one place, including basics of Backend engineering, server-side programming language, API and API design, caching, mastering database, scalability, CI/CD, and more.

Backend Engineering

Backend as a Journey (BaaJ)

Backend engineering is a Journey of no return. If you're ready to jump on this rewarding journey. Start below:

What you will learn

Get acquainted with databases and how they help store, retrieve, and manipulate data.

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What you will learn

Learn how to build an API with Node, Express, and PostgreSQL and deploy it to cloud providers.

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What you will learn

Understand the fundamentals of Test Driven Development (TDD) and how you can apply its principles when developing back-ends.

What you will learn

Start designing more complex systems with techniques such as design patterns, SOLID principles, and UML.

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What you will learn

Learn intermediate concepts in web security including prevention techniques for common threats.

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What you will learn

Learn about how content is stored on different servers with caching and CDNs.

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What you will learn

Learn message brokers and search engines

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What you will learn

Learn the fundamentals of DevOps, a culture supported by practices and tools.

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What you will learn

Build an API with Node, Express, and Postgres that uses authentication and authorization best practices to manage an online contest.

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What you will learn

Continue interview preparation by learning the fundamentals of algorithms.

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What you will learn

Know what to expect when interviewing for engineering jobs.

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