Become A Node.js Backend Engineer

All-in-one Nodejs course for learning backend engineering with Nodejs. This comprehensive course is designed for Nodejs developers seeking proficiency in Nodejs.

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Agoro, Adegbenga. B

I strongly recommend exploring Mastering Backend as a resource for your personal and/or professional growth.

Agoro, Adegbenga. B . CTO, Crenet

Daniel Tinivella

The practical examples and hands-on exercises were particularly beneficial. They not only reinforced the theoretical concepts but also allowed me to apply them in real-world scenarios. The inclusion of best practices and common pitfalls added a practical dimension to the learning process.

Daniel Tinivella . Software Engineer, Globant

Eshan Shafeeq

The course is an excellent resource for beginners. Your explanations of the basics are clear, making it easy for newcomers to grasp. I particularly enjoyed the task management application; it's a practical example that helps solidify the concepts.

Eshan Shafeeq . Blockchain & Web3 Engineer, Cake Defi


Node.js Essential Concepts

This is a summarized module about Node.js syntax and concepts such as variables, data types, functions, control flow in Node.js, error handling, modules, NPM, etc.


Advanced Node.js Concepts

This is a summarized module about Nodejs's advanced concepts, such as Asynchronous Programming, Working with files, Command Line Apps, Threads and Streams, Common Built-in Modules, etc.


Building Backend Systems

This module introduces you to building scalable and production-ready backend applications with Nodejs. You will learn frameworks like Express and Nest.js and database ORM such as Prisma, Mongoose, and Sequelize.


Logging and Caching

This module will teach you how to implement Logging and Caching in Nodejs using Winston and Redis and Memcached, respectively.


Building REST APIs

Learn how to build scalable and performant REST APIs in Node.js. Implement proper API design techniques and build production-ready backend systems.


GraphQL with Node.js

Learn how to use GraphQL with Node.js. Build GraphQL servers using Node.js. Build complex and scalable GraphQL servers in Node.js.


Testing In Node.js

This module is focused on Testing Node.js Codes. You will learn to write Unit, Integration, and end-to-end testing in Node.js.


Dockerizing Node.js Applications

Learn how to containerize Node.js applications with Docker. Learn how senior Node.js engineers dockerizing their Node.js projects using Docker.


Deploying Nodejs Applications

Learn how to deploy your Nodejs applications to servers such as AWS, Digital Ocean, Azure, GCP, Heroku, etc.


Build Node.js Projects

Build over 10+ projects while learning Node.js. Build a SaaS product in Node.js.

Agoro, Adegbenga. B

I strongly recommend exploring Mastering Backend as a resource for your personal and/or professional growth.

Agoro, Adegbenga. B . CTO, Crenet

Daniel Tinivella

The practical examples and hands-on exercises were particularly beneficial. They not only reinforced the theoretical concepts but also allowed me to apply them in real-world scenarios. The inclusion of best practices and common pitfalls added a practical dimension to the learning process.

Daniel Tinivella . Software Engineer, Globant

Eshan Shafeeq

The course is an excellent resource for beginners. Your explanations of the basics are clear, making it easy for newcomers to grasp. I particularly enjoyed the task management application; it's a practical example that helps solidify the concepts.

Eshan Shafeeq . Blockchain & Web3 Engineer, Cake Defi

Learn Essentials Node.js Concepts

Learn Essentials Node.js Concepts

Learn the essentials of Node.js, such as variables, data types, functions, control flow in Node.js, error handling, etc.

  • Learn Node.js Basics

  • Basics of JavaScript → Learn the basic concepts of JavaScript, such as Data Types, Conditionals, Loops, Functions, Arrays, Objects, Maps, Sets, etc.

  • Modules → Learn about Node.js Modules such as creating custom modules, CommonJS, ESM, and the global keyword.

  • Error Handling → Learn how to handle different types of errors in Node.js, from JavaScript errors, system errors, and user-specified errors to assertion errors.

  • NPM → Learn how to manage packages with NPM.

Building Backend Systems with Node.js

This module will expose you to building scale backend systems with Node.js. You will learn Node.js frameworks such as Express, Nest.js, and Fastify.

  • Express

  • Nest.js

  • Fastify

  • Database & ORMs in Node.js

    1. Prisma

    2. Sequelize

    3. Mongoose

  • Implement Logging in Node.js

  • Implementing Caching in Node.js

  • Build Advanced REST APIs Node.js

Building Backend Systems with Node.js
Learn Advanced Backend Engineering Concepts

Learn Advanced Backend Engineering Concepts

Learn advanced backend engineering concepts in Node.js to help you build enterprise and production-ready Node.js Backend Systems.

  • Testing In Node.js: This is a summarized module about Testing Node.js codes. In Node.js, you will learn to write Unit, Integration, and end-to-end testing.

  • GraphQL with Node.js: Learn how to use GraphQL with Node.js. Build Node.js servers using Node.js. Build complex and scalable GraphQL servers in Node.js.

  • Containerizing Node.js Applications: Learn how to containerize Node.js applications with Docker. Learn how senior Node.js engineers dockerizing their Node.js projects using Docker.

  • Deploying Node.js Applications: Learn how to deploy your Node.js applications to servers such as AWS, Digital Ocean, Azure, GCP, Heroku, etc.

  • Build Milestone Projects: Build over 10+ projects while learning Node.js. Build a complete SaaS product in Node.js.

Learn Advanced Node.js Concepts

Learn advanced concepts, such as Asynchronous Programming, Working with files, Cammand Line, Threads, Streams, etc.

  • Asynchronous Programming → Learn the concepts of Async programming in Node.js, such as Promises, async/await, callbacks, event emitter, event loop, etc.

  • Working with files → Learn how to manipulate files with Node.js

  • Command Line Apps → Learn how to build command line applications with Node.js.

  • Threads and Streams → Learn more about Node.js Thread and Streams system. Learn concepts such as Child process, clusters, and worker threads.

  • Common Built-in Modules → Learn and use some of the common Built-in Modules.

Learn Advanced Node.js Concepts
Become A Node.js Backend Engineer

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