Become A Java + Spring Backend Engineer

All-in-one Java and Spring course for learning backend engineering with Java. This comprehensive course is designed for Java developers seeking proficiency in Java.

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Agoro, Adegbenga. B

I strongly recommend exploring Mastering Backend as a resource for your personal and/or professional growth.

Agoro, Adegbenga. B . CTO, Crenet

Daniel Tinivella

The practical examples and hands-on exercises were particularly beneficial. They not only reinforced the theoretical concepts but also allowed me to apply them in real-world scenarios. The inclusion of best practices and common pitfalls added a practical dimension to the learning process.

Daniel Tinivella . Software Engineer, Globant

Eshan Shafeeq

The course is an excellent resource for beginners. Your explanations of the basics are clear, making it easy for newcomers to grasp. I particularly enjoyed the task management application; it's a practical example that helps solidify the concepts.

Eshan Shafeeq . Blockchain & Web3 Engineer, Cake Defi


Java Essentials

This is a summarized module about Core Java Basics, Object Oriented Programming, Java syntax, and concepts such as variables, data types, arrays, strings, functions, control flow in Java, error handling, etc.


Advanced Java

This is a summarized module about Java's advanced concepts, such as Collections, Java I/O Streams and Build Tool, and Multithreading in Java.


Design Patterns in Java

You will learn the significance of design patterns and how to apply key Creational, Structural, and Behavioral patterns to create robust, maintainable, and scalable software solutions.


Unit Testing in Java

You will learn the importance of unit testing, the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD), how to write test cases using JUnit, how to utilize advanced JUnit features like parameterized tests and test suites, and how to implement mocking with Mockito.


Microservices in Java

You will learn about the benefits and challenges of Microservices Architecture, how to build and configure microservices with Spring Boot, enable communication between microservices using Feign Client, implement event-driven messaging brokers, configure service discovery and registration with Eureka, and utilize API Gateway and load balancing with Zuul, Spring Cloud Gateway, and Ribbon.


Introduction to Docker

You will learn the fundamentals of containerization, including Docker images, containers, and registries, how to set up Docker, use basic Docker commands, write Dockerfiles, build and run Docker images, Dockerize a Java runnable JAR, and utilize Docker Compose with a docker-compose.yml file.


Introduction to Kubernetes

You will learn about Kubernetes architecture, key concepts like Pods, Nodes, and Clusters, how to set up a Kubernetes cluster using Minikube and AWS, how to manage Kubernetes resources such as Deployments, Services, Ingress, ConfigMaps, and Secrets, how to scale applications, and how to implement monitoring and logging.


Milestone Projects in Java

Build over 10+ projects while learning Java. Build a SaaS product in Java.

Agoro, Adegbenga. B

I strongly recommend exploring Mastering Backend as a resource for your personal and/or professional growth.

Agoro, Adegbenga. B . CTO, Crenet

Daniel Tinivella

The practical examples and hands-on exercises were particularly beneficial. They not only reinforced the theoretical concepts but also allowed me to apply them in real-world scenarios. The inclusion of best practices and common pitfalls added a practical dimension to the learning process.

Daniel Tinivella . Software Engineer, Globant

Eshan Shafeeq

The course is an excellent resource for beginners. Your explanations of the basics are clear, making it easy for newcomers to grasp. I particularly enjoyed the task management application; it's a practical example that helps solidify the concepts.

Eshan Shafeeq . Blockchain & Web3 Engineer, Cake Defi

Java Essentials

Java Essentials

Learn core Java basics such as object-oriented programming and Java syntax, as well as concepts such as variables, data types, arrays, strings, functions, control flow in Java, error handling, etc.

  •  Core Java Basics -> You will learn to set up a local IDE using IntelliJ, understand basic syntax and structure, declaration and access controls, variables and data types, operators and expressions, flow control mechanisms, arrays, and string concepts, including the String Pool, string manipulation, and immutability.

  • Object Oriented Programming -> You will learn about classes and objects, constructors, the heap and stack memory structures, inheritance with classes and interfaces, polymorphism (runtime and compile-time), encapsulation, abstraction using classes and interfaces, and inner classes.

  • Exception Handling -> You will learn about handling exceptions through throwing, catching, and propagation, understand the types of exceptions (checked and unchecked), explore the exception hierarchy, create custom exceptions, and use errors and assertions effectively.

Advanced Java

This is a summarized module about Java's advanced concepts, such as Collections, Java I/O Streams and Build Tool, and Multithreading in Java.

  • Collections -> You will explore the importance of the equals() and hashCode() methods and data structures such as lists, sets, maps, and queues. Additionally, they will learn about iterators, streams, and generics, including type parameters and bounded types, and delve into lambda expressions and functional interfaces.

  • Java I/O Streams and Build Tool -> You will cover input and output streams, readers, and writers, along with essential topics like Maven dependency management, Maven commands, Maven profiles, and creating runnable JAR files for Java applications.

  • Multithreading in Java -> You will explore the concept of state visibility in Java, delve into threads including their definition, states, and execution, learn about essential thread methods such as wait, notify, notifyAll, and sleep, understand object locking and synchronization, grasp the usage of the volatile keyword, explore Future Task and Callable interfaces, and delve into the Executor Framework, including various types of executors.

Advanced Java
Building Backend Systems

Building Backend Systems

This module will expose you to building scale backend systems with Java. You will learn advanced backend concepts for scalable and enterprise-ready backend systems.

  • Design Patterns in Java -> You will learn the significance of design patterns and how to apply key Creational, Structural, and Behavioral patterns to create robust, maintainable, and scalable software solutions.

  • Unit Testing in Java -> You will learn the importance of unit testing, the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD), how to write test cases using JUnit, how to utilize advanced JUnit features like parameterized tests and test suites, and how to implement mocking with Mockito.

Building RESTful APIs

Learn how to build scalable and performant RESTful APIs with Java. You will learn frameworks such as Spring and Spring Boot.

  • Spring Framework and Spring Boot -> You will learn about IOC and Dependency Injection, various methods of Bean Configuration, the Bean Lifecycle, and key Spring modules (AOP, REST, Batch, Integration, JMS), and gain a comprehensive understanding of Spring Boot, including its annotations, features, Actuators, and using Spring Initializer.

Building RESTful APIs
Microservices in Java

Microservices in Java

Learn how to build and manage microservices using the Java programming language.

  • Microservices in Java -> You will learn about the benefits and challenges of Microservices Architecture, how to build and configure microservices with Spring Boot, enable communication between microservices using Feign Client, implement event-driven messaging brokers, configure service discovery and registration with Eureka, and utilize API Gateway and load balancing with Zuul, Spring Cloud Gateway, and Ribbon.

Containerization in Java

Learn how to containerization your Java backend systems and understand how to use Docker and Kubernetes for deployment and scalability.

  • Introduction to Docker -> You will learn the fundamentals of containerization, including Docker images, containers, and registries, how to set up Docker, use basic Docker commands, write Dockerfiles, build and run Docker images, Dockerize a Java runnable JAR, and utilize Docker Compose with a docker-compose.yml file.

  • Introduction to Kubernetes -> You will learn about Kubernetes architecture, key concepts like Pods, Nodes, and Clusters, how to set up a Kubernetes cluster using Minikube and AWS, how to manage Kubernetes resources such as Deployments, Services, Ingress, ConfigMaps, and Secrets, how to scale applications, and how to implement monitoring and logging.

Containerization in Java
Become A Java + Spring Backend Engineer

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