Latest articles curated daily by Eric McWinNEr.

The Difference Between self::, static:: and parent:: in PHP

By Eric McWinNEr. Updated Sun Jun 18 2023

In a lot of ways, PHP supports Object-Oriented Programming (especially using self::, static:: and parent:: in PHP).

Seeing code written procedurally is becoming archaic and akin to finding dinosaur fossils in the Antarctic.

We can all agree that writing code in an Object-Oriented way is better than writing it procedurally in a lot of ways.

The Difference Between self::, static:: and parent:: in PHP

One of the fundamental tenets of an Object-Oriented Language is the concept of inheritance. A programming language must support inheritance to be seen as Object Oriented or maybe. 

Complete Guide on Laravel Relationships

By Eric McWinNEr. Updated Sun Jun 18 2023
Complete Guide on Laravel Relationships

This article aimed at providing a complete guide on “Laravel relationships” and discuss different types of “Laravel relationships”, which one best suits your project, and how to query or manipulate the Laravel Models efficiently to increase performance.

Host a Laravel Project on a Shared Hosting

By Eric McWinNEr. Updated Mon Apr 24 2023
Host a Laravel Project on a Shared Hosting

In this article, I’ll be showing you how to host your Laravel project on a shared hosting via CPanel we all know and love. If you have a local server like WAMP or XAMPP, this would work to test it out before uploading it to our CPanel.